
KPI Fundamentals

Understand and define the fundamentals of KPI development in building performance scorecard systems in your organisation.

Delivery methods

In-Person Training (Public)

2 day training

Virtual Instructor-Led Training

4 x 3hr tutorial

related certifications

Course overview

This course will identify and describe the various types of KPIs and performance measures to help build a scorecard system in your organisation. Understanding and using this KPI knowledge will help develop your management teams' capacity to deploy scorecard systems better.

The KPI Fundamentals Course is designed to introduce delegates to KPIs and Performance measurement design. The course introduces the measurement concept and how it can inform decision-making to improve organisational performance. By using a disciplined framework of KPI development throughout the organisation, managers can align to improving performance by focusing on the right things.

Course Durations

In-Person Training (Public)

2 day training

Virtual Instructor-Led Training

4 x 3hr tutorial

Objectives & Topics

The program is designed to give delegates an overview of using a framework to develop different KPIs to monitor organisational performance and inform decision-making.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Recognise performance management as a critical strategic and competitive differentiator
  • Understand the theory and application of corporate performance management through Balanced
    Scorecards (BSCs) and other frameworks for developing KPIs
  • Create buy-in and a culture of continuous performance improvement to own enthusiastically
    performance measurement and improvement
  • Drive performance-informed budgeting and accountability
  • Develop best practice KPIs, performance targets, and management dashboards
  • Design insightful and actionable reports and dashboards that focus discussion on improvement
  • Identify the accurate signals from their measures about whether performance is improving or not
  • Communicate performance information throughout the organisation to better inform decision making
  • Convincingly hit performance targets and make measurements about transformation.

Benefits of attending

Benefits gained

This course gives delegates a basic understanding of the critical concepts of building performance scorecards. It allows management to evaluate gaps in their present systems to develop a continuous improvement programme to improve their scorecard systems.

Who should attend?

  • Teams or individuals with performance measurement/management responsibility
  • Employees who have been tasked to plan, develop, or improve dashboards, KPI scorecards and other measurement systems.
customer feedback
The facilitator's skills were outstanding. Initially, our goal was to learn how to develop KPIs from job descriptions, but he helped us shift our mindset. Now, we understand the importance of getting organizational performance right before focusing on individual performance. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the course and found it extremely valuable.
This training is simply excellent. The combination of Mark's experience, technical knowledge, approachability & facilitation skills had me engaged throughout the 5 days. Thank you & very well done.
The programme is very intense but well structured. I found that I got as much value from this course as was possible, to feel empowered and competent to apply this knowledge in my organisation.
A very good programme. One I will recommend to others. I think there is wisdom in breaking it into chewable components, so that focused learning and understanding may be realised.

    Course Facilitator

    Mark Van Rooyen

    Senior Partner & Lead Consultant

    The course will be facilitated by Mark van Rooyen, who has trained many Balanced Scorecard Bootcamps over the last 20 years, for various organisations. His experience in strategy, management and performance systems will ensure value for all delegates. His success in delivering many courses across the continent, and his understanding of various operational environments, make his presentation and training highly effective.