
KPI Professional certification

Understand and apply a disciplined framework to developing and deploying KPIs in your organisation to support organisational performance.

Delivery methods

In-Person Training (Public)

5 day training

Virtual Instructor-Led Training

10 x 3hr tutorial

Course Accreditations


related certifications

Course overview

Gain the requisite skills to guarantee that your organisation’s scorecard systems are methodically built, implemented explicitly with your unique needs, and sustained through careful planning and management.

The KPI Professional Course is designed to build a core practical knowledge base in performance measurement and improvement. The KPI Professional Course is based on the Balanced Scorecard Institute’s KPI framework and years of consulting and training experience in performance management and building scorecard systems. Created by the Balanced Scorecard Institute, the certification program is consistent with the best practice of developing performance scorecards.

KPI and performance measurement development is a discipline that involves articulating what an organisation is trying to accomplish and then identifying the most meaningful and valuable indicators of success. Performance measures, or KPIs, are a vital part of any strategic, operational and project management system, as they are critical to assessing the effectiveness of organisational performance. KPIs also help analyse the gap between actual and targeted performance and measure organisational effectiveness and operational efficiency.

This course is designed to help participants understand the fundamentals of performance management and then successfully develop, deploy, and manage meaningful KPIs for strategic, operational, or programme management.

Course Durations

In-Person Training (Public)

5 day training

Virtual Instructor-Led Training

10 x 3hr tutorial

Objectives & Topics

The program is designed around practical techniques and templates, real-life case studies, and time for participants to practice what they learn with support from experts.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Recognise performance management as a critical strategic and competitive differentiator
  • Understand the theory and application of corporate performance management through Balanced
    Scorecards (BSCs) and other frameworks for developing KPIs
  • Create buy-in and a culture of continuous performance improvement to own enthusiastically
    performance measurement and improvement
  • Drive performance-informed budgeting and accountability
  • Develop best practice KPIs, performance targets, and management dashboards
  • Improve the performance of departments, teams, programs, projects, risks, and individuals
  • Make their strategy measurable and easier to communicate and cascade
  • Select and design performance measures that are far more meaningful than brainstorming or
    benchmarking ever can produce
  • Bring their measures to life in a consistent way, using the correct data and with the proper ownership
  • Design insightful and actionable reports and dashboards that focus discussion on improvement
  • Identify the accurate signals from their measures about whether performance is improving or not
  • Communicate performance information throughout the organisation to better inform decision making
  • Convincingly hit performance targets and make measurements of transformation

Benefits of attending

Benefits gained

The KPI Professional course comprises theory and practical application exercises that allow delegates to test their knowledge in developing applications for their organisations during the period.

The course is taught by the most senior Institute facilitating consultants. It is designed to enable anyone developing performance measures to learn best practices to more effectively and efficiently create, deploy, and manage KPIs.

Who should attend?

This course is recommended for delegates interested in building, implementing, and maintaining performance management systems and those wishing to develop practical ideas for improving overall organisational performance.

  • Teams or individuals with performance measurement/management responsibility
  • Senior managers or leaders who are establishing, leading, and managing performance management and measurement programs and systems
  • Managers, planners, and analysts who are part of a strategic planning and management team and are seeking the best practical ideas for improving organisational performance
  • Employees who have been tasked to plan, develop, or improve dashboards, KPI scorecards, business processes, program and project management, portfolio management or other measurement systems
  • Managers, planners, or analysts who are involved with defining performance measures or complying with regulatory and other reporting requirements
  • Budget analysts who need performance information to formulate budgets and evaluate programs
customer feedback
The facilitator's skills were outstanding. Initially, our goal was to learn how to develop KPIs from job descriptions, but he helped us shift our mindset. Now, we understand the importance of getting organizational performance right before focusing on individual performance. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the course and found it extremely valuable.
This training is simply excellent. The combination of Mark's experience, technical knowledge, approachability & facilitation skills had me engaged throughout the 5 days. Thank you & very well done.
The programme is very intense but well structured. I found that I got as much value from this course as was possible, to feel empowered and competent to apply this knowledge in my organisation.
A very good programme. One I will recommend to others. I think there is wisdom in breaking it into chewable components, so that focused learning and understanding may be realised.

    Course Facilitator

    Mark Van Rooyen

    Senior Partner & Lead Consultant

    The course will be facilitated by Mark van Rooyen, who has trained many Balanced Scorecard Bootcamps over the last 20 years, for various organisations. His experience in strategy, management and performance systems will ensure value for all delegates. His success in delivering many courses across the continent, and his understanding of various operational environments, make his presentation and training highly effective.